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Brander’s technical articles highlight interesting topics, strategies, opinions, facts and trends relating to branding. They demonstrate our expertise, our competence, our attitude and our style.

Employer Branding

Employer branding – positioning a company in the employment market to attract suitable employees – is one of the key challenges of strategic corporate management.


Brand & Talent Management

A recent brand management survey (Prophet/GfM, 2013) reveals that of the surveyed 600 brand managers and 32 companies in Switzerland, only every tenth company reported that its brand management and human resource departments work hand in hand.


The Brand as a Change Driver

What role can a brand play in a company‘s change management? As a strategic management tool, a brand provides valuable fundamentals for the successful initiation and implementation of change processes. To achieve this objective several factors must be taken into account.


Employer Branding

Positioning a company as an attractive employer falls within the remit of strategic management. It is an integrated process that comes into play before, during and after the recruitment process.


CEO Branding

CEOs represent their brands on the front line. Those perceived as authentic representatives of their brands are outstanding brand ambassadors.


Brands and Music

Using music to give a brand an additional emotional dimension makes good sense. Ideally, however, this process should only be viewed as an additional branding feature: it is a component in multi-sensory communication strategies, and employing audio branding can complete a comprehensive brand image.


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