Selection of case studies
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From gastronomy to financial services, through to luxury goods: We advise companies and support brands from a diversity of industries. A selection of our case studies is presented in the following.


The Sanitas Health Forecast 2023 – This is Your Energy

For the fourth time in a row, the Sanitas Health Forecast takes a look at the health of the future. Under the title "This is Your Energy", trends, data and facts revolve around the personal energy transition in the area of health, with in-depth looks at the senses, movement and pain.


Porsche Switzerland – Brand Campaign «Be one of us»

The new brand campaign for Porsche Switzerland expresses a complete attitude to life. Centred around two stylish rebels, the campaign succeeds in appealing to anyone who pulls out all the stops in pursuit of their dreams, who always follows their instincts and passions, and is not afraid of contact.


The Sanitas Health Forecast 2022 – The new you

For the third year in a row, the Sanitas Health Forecast is taking a look at the health of the future. Under the motto “The new you”, it presents trends, data and facts revolving around changes and new beginnings in the field of health, with in-depth articles on the brain, sleep and nutrition.


Sprüngli – the home of Easter

Easter has found a home at Confiserie Sprüngli for 185 years. Giving a glimpse into curated views of a heritage modern home, the new Easter campaign visuals convey that sense of refined elegance and tastefulness the chocolatier is well-known for.


Sanitas Health Forecast, Edition 2021 – the new optimism

Sharing indepth perspectives around the future of health, it brings together insights from a yearly nationwide survey, untold stories, unexpected experiments, personal defining moments and trends influencing our healthy lifestyles. From instagram over podcast to print.


Sanitas Health Forecast – the future of health

The Sanitas Health Forecast is the first Swiss publication about the future of health: its 400 pages combine insights from a nationwide survey, in-depth knowledge from more than 60 experts, personal stories, reportages, interviews, portraits and visions of the future written by 30 journalists.


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A conscious approach marks our style

We select our employees with care, preferring to work with people who are open to being inspired, become involved, and have an ability to listen attentively.

The Brander − Creators of Brands

After «The Brander - Creators of Brands» and «The Brander - Food Edition» the third edition of selected reports in the form of an elaborately designed coffee table books is ready.

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